Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Our Voices WILL be heard!"

My search term was modified slightly and came up with some enlightening and previously unknown areas for further research. The term I used was censorship and China and United States
For the periodical search, I came up with the following:

MacKinnon, Rebecca. "Helping China's Censors." Nation 27 Mar. 2006: 8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. This article summarizes the current atmosphere of censorship within a present tense and presents a look at a conflict arising when governments try to regulate what businesses can or cannot do

For the scholarly journal I used the same boolean search string in Ebsco and found this:

Cheng, Huanwen. "The Effect Of The Cold War On Librarianship In China." Libraries & Culture 36.1 (2001): 40. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. This journal article seems to accurately and specifically address the issue of censorship and the core of the topic. Three things that identify it as a research article are 1. the name of the journal, 2. There is less common language, therefore it is geared more towards fellow scholars, and 3. It is a study of censorship during the Cold War.

The search string was modified slightly to narrow down the results (186). I used the following string in ProQuest for newspaper articles: censorship and China and United States

Michael Wines. (2011, April 29). U.S. Envoy Sees 'Backsliding' Of Human Rights in China :[Foreign Desk]. New York Times (Late Edition (east Coast)), p. A.11. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from ProQuest National Newspapers Core. (Document ID: 2332491041). I chose the following newspaper article because it gives a view on the current struggle for people to be heard in China, as well as demonstrating the disparities between the views of the two nations.

My search term was modified slightly and came up with some enlightening and previously unknown areas for further research. The term I used was censorship and China and United States. The results after refinement were far fewer than when I began this course: 51 results under periodicals, 11 for scholarly journals, and 186 for newspaper articles. Having used the internet since the late 1990's, this is a marked improvement over previous attempts to search for any topic. Thanks Sue.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Daniel... but YOU did all the work. It is great to have you notice how much better it is going for you. Excellent!

    btw, in terms of terms...
    Search *term* refers to a single word
    Search *statement* refers to the terms and the Boolean operators put together.
    Since you are planning a graduate degree I thought I would pass that on to you. It may help you out later.

    Keep up the good work,
