Tuesday, November 1, 2011

That is not allowed!

Here are the three questions I have chosen and their boolean counterparts:

1. Does television advertising by the pharmaceutical industry have an impact on prescription drug abuse?

Boolean search string:
"television and advertis*" and pharmaceutical and industry and (prescription or "drug abuse")

2. Does anti-smoking advertising by the tobacco industry lead to increased smoking among youth?

Boolean search string:
"anti-smoking" and advertis* and tobacco and industry and (smoking or youth)

3. Debate the pros and cons of fish farming

Boolean search string:
"fish farming" and (pros or cons)

As to my own topic "Censorship":
Does the impact of censorship differ depending on what nation it occurs in? (I modified the question to make choosing concepts more clear)

Concept terms: censorship impact, national differences.

Boolean search string:
"censorship's impact" and differ* and "national differ*"

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,
    I am a big believer of keeping the search statements simple, especially at first. You did a good job of trying out the Boolean operators but you have tried to get more in the search statement than the databases can digest. For your question I might try:
    Censorship AND Canada
    Censorship AND United States
    Censorship AND Germany
    etc. You may not find one source with the comparison you want. Also, you are likely going to have to narrow down the term impact to a specific impact. Do you mean legal consequences? and would that be civil or criminal? Research and scholarly writing is often very specific.

    Keep up the good work,
